Updated July 29th, 2020

Post 280 News

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********************Be considerate of others.********************


Since we have many Clubroom visitors who are advanced in age they are considered highly susceptable to the COVID 19 virus. The club/social room is again open but only at 50% capacity and only with proper social distancing. Wearing your face mask will not be considered anti social.

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Per the home page, pretty much, all programs have been turned off so there is, very little news.



Service Officer News

Jon Criss (757) 479-3112) the Post Service Officer is moving to Pennsylvania. His replacement is John Dydalowicz (757) 342-4521. They can be reached by their respective phone numbers or e-mail. "serviceofficer@post280.org".

They can do wonders, but, they can't help you if you don't ask.